This recipe features our Southern Fried Chicken Spice, with paprika, garlic, onion, celery seeds and herbs combining together to create a K.F.C fried chicken like flavour.


1/2 Cauliflower head

1 cup Self-raising flour

2 1/2 tablespoons Southern Fried Chicken Spice

2/3 cup Greek yoghurt

2/3 cup Milk of your choice

3 x Eggs

Oil for frying


1/. Cut cauliflower into large florets.

2/. In one bowl, combine flour with Spice Oddity Southern Fried blend. In the second bowl, whisk the eggs. In a third bowl whisk together yoghurt and milk.

3/. Coat the cauliflower florets in yoghurt mixture, shake off excess before dipping in the flour mixture. Coat in the egg mixture before tossing one last time in the flour. This creates a delicious crispy coat.

4/. Heat frying oil in a saucepan to 180C. Cook cauliflower popcorn bits until deep golden. Drain on paper towel or a clean tea towel, then serve.