Featuring Grace’s Pizza Spice, a blend of Cypriot black salt, fennel seeds, herbs and spices that will make every pizza sing.

Makes 2 x medium pizzas


Option 1

1 cup Water

1 teaspoon Sugar

1 tablespoon Dry yeast

1 tablespoon Olive oil

2 1/2 cups Plain flour

1 teaspoon Salt


1/ In the bowl of your kitchen stand mixer or a large bowl, add warm water, sugar and yeast. Set aside for 10 minutes

2/ Add olive oil, flour and salt to the water mixture. Using a Danish dough whisk or the hook attachment on your stand mixer, mix to bring the dough together. Lightly flour your work surface, turn the dough onto the flour and knead for about 10 minutes, until the dough is smooth and elastic. Place dough in a lightly oiled bowl and cover with plastic wrap and a large clean tea towel.

3/ Set dough aside in a warm location, until it has doubled in size.

4/ Preheat the oven to 220C. Divide into 2 balls. Sprinkle pizza tray with a dusting of semolina. Place dough on pizza tray and fit dough into shape, either by rolling or stretching with your hands. Top with tomato paste and a sprinkle of Grace’s Pizza Spice, followed by your favourite toppings.


Option 2

1 cup Greek yoghurt

1 + 1/2 cups Self-raising flour


1/ Combine Greek yoghurt with self-raising flour to form your pizza dough.

2/ Knead for 10 minutes.

3/ Preheat the oven to 220C. Divide into 2 balls. Sprinkle pizza tray with a dusting of semolina. Place dough on pizza tray and fit dough into shape, either by rolling or stretching with your hands. Top with tomato paste and a sprinkle of Grace’s Pizza Spice, followed by your favourite toppings.