Fried Eggs & Flatbread with mint yoghurt, lemon &  fermented peppercorns

A favourite breakfast in our house. Using the soft flatbreads to mop up all the buttery, yolky, yoghurty goodness with pops of fermented peppercorn is a delight. 


Flat Breads

2 cups plain flour 
1/2 tsp salt
50g melted butter 
3/4 cup lukewarm milk 

Mint Yoghurt

1 cup thick greek yoghurt
Handful fresh mint chopped finely
1/2 tsp dried Turkish Mint 
Pinch Sugar
Pinch Salt

To Serve

2 fresh freerange eggs per person 
Olive Oil 
1 tbsp butter per person
Sriracha or fresh red chilli very finely sliced
Lemon Zest 
Kadode Fermented Green Peppercorns


Make the Flatbreads

  1. Combine flour, salt, butter and milk in a bowl , stir to combine. Turn out onto a lightly floured bench and knead awe for a couple of minutes until you have an elastic dough, adding a little extra flour If the dough is too sticky to manage.

  2. Put the dough in a lightly oiled bowl and cover, leave to relax for at lest 30 minutes

  3. Divide dough into 6- 8  pieces and roll into balls, let the dough relax for another 5 - 10 minutes. Use a rolling pin to roll the dough into thin rounds.

  4. Heat a heavy fry pan over medium heat, don’t add any oil. Place a flat bread in the pan, cook for a minute or two until starting to develop golden spots in places Flip the bread. It might start to puff up, press it down with a spatula and cook the underside. 

  5. Wrap the bread in a tea towel to steam and keep warm. Continue cooking the rest of the dough. 

Make the Mint Yoghurt

  1. Combine all the yoghurt ingredients in a bowl, stir well and check for seasoning.

Fry the Eggs

  1. Melt a teaspoon of butter and a splash of olive oil in a heavy based frypan over high heat. 

  2. Crack the eggs into the pan and allow to sizzle, when the whites begin to firm up turn the temperature down to medium and cook the yolks to your liking. Remove from the pan to a plate

  3. 3. Add the remaining butter to the pan and the sliced chilli if using, Cook over medium heat until the butter just starts to brown a little and is nutty and fragrant.

Put it all together

Serve the eggs on top of the warm flat bread with a dollop of the mint yoghurt and a drizzle  of the nut brown butter, a sprinkle of lemon zest and some fermented peppercorns.